Marvel: Dine-In Theater


"Valencia Graphics" emerged from the collaborative efforts of four dedicated students, including myself, as we embarked on the journey to redesign Valencia College's Graphic Design website. Our shared vision was clear: to amplify the student experience by creating seamless connectivity and ensuring easy access to a treasure trove of opportunities. Whether it's events that kindle creativity, contests that challenge the status quo, internships that bridge the gap between theory and practice, or job listings that open doors to the professional world, our platform serves as a nexus for all. Through this project, we've not only showcased our expertise in Graphic Design but also manifested our unwavering commitment to pragmatic solutions that resonate with the educational ethos of our institution.

Project Description

  • Challenge: Create an engaging and user-friendly fictional movie theater website concept for Marvel that allows users to book ticket, receive notifications about upcoming movies, and sign up for memberships.
  • Solution: Developed the Marvel Dine-In Theater concept, a website designed to simplify the user experience for Marvel fans. It offers seamless ticket booking, timely movie notifications, and exclusive membership options.
  • Personal Roles: Led the project as a the sole Web Designer and Front-End Developer

design process

  • Tools and Software Used: Employed industry-standard design tools, including Figma, Adobe Illustrator, and Adobe Photoshop, to craft a usually captivating and functional website concept.
  • Deliverables Produced: Generated wireframes, high-fidelity prototypes, and a comprehensive user interface design to ensure an immersive Marvel-theme experience.
  • Team: Worked independently on this project, handling all aspects of design and development.
  • Responsibilities: Conducted user research, planned the website layout, designed the entire website, developed the front-end, and integrated provided images and branding elements to align with Marvel's vision



The purpose of the Homepage in the Marvel Dine-In Theater project is to act as the captivating gateway to the platform, offering a welcoming and visually engaging entry point for Marvel enthusiasts. It aims to provide immediate access to critical information, foster user engagement, and establish the thematic ambiance of the Marvel cinematic universe.


  • User Engagement Center: The Homepage prioritizes user engagement, featuring dynamic content, including upcoming movie releases, featured reviews, and interactive polls, to encourage active participation and interaction..
  • Quick Navigation: Clear and intuitive navigation elements guide users to explore movie listings, membership options, and the latest Marvel news effortlessly.
  • Thematic Integration: The design seamlessly integrates Marvel's iconic branding elements, such as dark blue color schemes and eye-catching poster images, to immerse users in the Marvel universe from the moment they land on the Homepage.


  • User Attraction and Retention: The visually captivating design and user-centric content are pivotal in attracting and retaining users' attention, prompting them to delve deeper into the world of Marvel movies and activities.
  • Efficient Information Access: By prominently showcasing essential movie-related information, membership details, and the latest Marvel updates, the Homepage ensures users can quickly find what they seek, enhancing their overall experience.
  • Thematic Atmosphere: The Homepage plays a significant role in setting the thematic atmosphere for the entire platform, conveying Marvel's cinematic values of excitement, entertainment, and adventure.


  • Introduction: As an introduction to the Marvel Dine-In Theater platform, the Homepage immediately communicates to users that they are entering a space dedicated to the Marvel cinematic experience.
  • Navigation Hub: Serving as a central hub, the Homepage offers clear pathways for users to explore different sections of the platform based on their preferences, whether it's booking tickets, becoming a member, or staying updated with Marvel news.
  • Engagement Catalyst: Through its dynamic content and thematic immersion, the Homepage actively encourages users to become more involved with the platform, sparking their curiosity to explore movie listings, reviews, and membership opportunities.



The purpose of the "Movies" page in the Marvel Dine-In Theater project is to provide Marvel enthusiasts with an engaging and organized platform for exploring and booking tickets for Marvel movies. It serves as the central hub for accessing essential movie information, trailers, and the convenient option to book tickets in advance.


  • Movie Highlights: The page prominently features a highlighted movie, offering its name, description, trailer, and a direct "Book Tickets" button for seamless ticket reservations.
  • Phased Presentation: Marvel's cinematic phases, from Phase 1 to Phase 4, are elegantly presented, allowing users to navigate and explore movies categorized by their respective phases.
  • Advance Booking: The strategically placed "Get your tickets in advance!" section encourages users to download the app for convenient and early ticket reservations.


  • Enhanced Movie Experience: The "Movies" page significantly contributes to enhancing users' Marvel movie experience by providing quick access to movie details and the convenience of booking tickets in advance.
  • Phase Organization: The categorization of movies by phases enables users to explore the Marvel cinematic journey in an organized manner, catering to fans who enjoy chronological viewing.
  • Promotion of App: The "Get your tickets in advance!" section serves as an effective promotion tool for the app, encouraging users to download and utilize it for streamlined ticket booking.


  • Movie Showcase: The "Movies" page acts as a dynamic showcase for Marvel movies, presenting one highlighted movie and four additional movies side by side, enticing users to explore the cinematic offerings.
  • Phase Navigator: By categorizing movies into phases, the page serves as a navigation hub, allowing users to delve into specific phases of the Marvel cinematic universe.
  • App Promotion: The strategically placed "Get your tickets in advance!" section plays a vital role in promoting the app, enticing users to download it for an enhanced ticket booking experience.

individual movie


The purpose of the "Individual Movie" page, focusing on the Black Widow movie, is to provide users with comprehensive information about the movie while encouraging them to take action by booking tickets. It aims to offer a visually appealing and informative presentation of the movie's key details.


  • Director and Cast: The left section prominently showcases the movie's director and starring cast, offering users insights into the creative team behind the film.
  • Movie Description: On the right side, the page provides a detailed description of the movie, offering users an overview of the storyline and its key elements.
  • Trailer Access: A dedicated "Trailer" section with an image link allows users to easily access and view the movie's official trailer.
  • Ticket Booking: The bold "Get Tickets" section in the center urges users to take immediate action and book their tickets, enhancing user engagement.


  • Comprehensive Information: The page plays a significant role in providing users with comprehensive information about the Black Widow movie, including its director, cast, description, and an engaging trailer.
  • Visual Appeal: The visually captivating background image featuring a promotional image of Black Widow adds to the overall appeal, immersing users in the movie's atmosphere.
  • User Engagement: The strategically placed "Get Tickets" section encourages users to take action and book their tickets, leading to increased user engagement and conversions.


  • Information Hub: The "Individual Movie" page acts as an information hub, offering users a complete overview of the Black Widow movie, from its director and cast to its description and trailer.
  • Visual Enhancement: The background image enhances the visual appeal of the page, creating an immersive experience for users interested in the movie.
  • Action Catalyst: The "Get Tickets" section serves as a catalyst for user action, prompting them to book tickets for the movie, ultimately driving ticket sales.

food & drinks


The purpose of the "Food and Drinks" page is to offer theatergoers a convenient and enticing way to explore and order delicious food and beverage options while enhancing their overall movie-watching experience. It aims to provide a visually appealing and user-friendly menu presentation.


  • Hero Image: The page begins with an engaging Hero Image featuring the "Food and Drinks" title, setting the tone for the culinary offerings.
  • Order Convenience: A prominent CTA, "Order from your Phone," encourages users to download the app for seamless food and drink ordering.
  • Menu Presentation: The page features a comprehensive menu categorized into "Food," "Drinks," "Snacks," and "Cookies," each with a diverse range of options and prices.
  • Promotion: An enticing ad for the "Spidey-Burger" is showcased, complete with a description, price, and a call-to-action button.
  • Marvel-Themed: The "Food and Drinks" page emphasizes the Marvel theme, enhancing the thematic experience of moviegoers.


  • Enhanced Movie Experience: This page significantly contributes to enhancing the overall movie experience by offering a wide array of food and drink options that cater to different tastes and preferences.
  • Convenience: The "Order from your Phone" CTA promotes convenience, allowing users to order their favorite snacks and drinks right from their mobile devices, enhancing the theater experience.
  • Promotion: The strategically placed ad for the "Spidey-Burger" and the "Marvel-Themed" CTA encourage users to explore and try special menu items, potentially increasing sales.


  • Menu Showcase: The "Food and Drinks" page serves as a showcase for the theater's culinary offerings, presenting a detailed menu with various categories and options.
  • User Engagement: The CTA for app download and ordering, along with the enticing ad for the "Spidey-Burger," plays a crucial role in engaging users and driving them to explore and order from the menu.
  • Thematic Enhancement: By emphasizing the Marvel theme throughout the page, it enhances the thematic experience of moviegoers and immerses them further into the Marvel universe.

Personal TakeAways

Throughout the development of the Marvel: Dine-In Theater project, I have gained invaluable insights into the fusion of creativity and functionality in digital experiences. This project underscored the importance of catering to a specific target audience, in this case, Marvel fans, and tailoring the design to meet their unique preferences. It highlighted how thoughtful design choices, such as the use of Marvel's signature dark blue and engaging content presentation, can resonate deeply with the intended users.

Furthermore, working on this project emphasized the significance of user convenience and accessibility. The inclusion of the 'Order from your Phone' feature aimed at streamlining the food and drink ordering process, demonstrating the impact of user-centered design on improving user interactions.

This experience strengthened my belief in the power of design to create immersive and enjoyable digital environments that resonate with users on a personal level. It reaffirmed my commitment to crafting user-friendly interfaces that not only meet user needs but also leave a memorable and positive impression.

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