CoastCon 2021 Virtual Event


CoastCon 2021 was a groundbreaking virtual event that I had the privilege to work on as a UI/UX Designer. Hosted by IAAPA, this event seamlessly transitioned from an in-person gathering to a dynamic online experience due to the COVID-19 pandemic. It offered attendees a comprehensive digital platform to access event information, schedules, speakers, merchandise, and interactive activities. My role was pivotal in crafting a user-friendly virtual environment that catered to the media and entertainment industry. Through innovative design and user-focused interfaces, CoastCon 2021 successfully redefined how events in this sector can be experienced in the digital age, embodying the power of adaptable UI/UX design in the face of unique challenges.

Project Description

  • Challenge: The challenge was to design the virtual event website for CoastCon 2021, an event hosted by IAAPA. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, IAAPA decided to transition their in-person event into a virtual one. The website needed to provide event information, schedules, speaker and sponsor pages, and serve as a marketing tool before the event day. It also needed to enable ticketed guests to manage their tickets, add events to their calendars, and play games. Additionally, back-of-house administration areas were required to allow staff and guest speakers to upload presentations, banners, ads, and storefronts. During the convention, the website transformed into a "virtual show floor" where attendees could interact with vendors, speakers, and engage in other interactive activities.
  • Solution: Collaborated with the team, including Sarah Kouch and Tram Tran, to design the virtual event website, branding, marketing materials, and email campaigns. The solution involved research, wireframes, design, prototyping, user testing, and final refinement, including two revisions.
  • Personal Roles: Worked as part of a team of designers, actively contributing to the conceptualization, design, and prototyping of the virtual event website.

design process

  • Tools and Software Used: Utilized industry-standard design tools, including Figma, Adobe Photoshop, and Adobe Illustrator, to create a visually appealing and functional user interface for the virtual event website.
  • Deliverables Produced: Generated web design layouts and user experience design elements that met the project's goals, ensuring a seamless and engaging virtual event experience.
  • Team: Collaborated closely with team members Sarah Kouch and Tram Tran throughout all project phases to collectively bring the vision for the virtual event website to life.
  • Responsibilities: Actively engaged with fellow team members, contributing expertise to various aspects of the project, from research and wireframing to design, prototyping, and user testing, with a focus on creating an effective and engaging virtual event platform.



The purpose of the Homepage for the CoastCon 2021 Virtual Event project is to provide an engaging and informative entry point for event attendees. It serves as the gateway to accessing event-related information, schedules, speakers, merchandise, and account management, creating a seamless and inviting experience for virtual participants.


  • Director and Cast: The left section prominently showcases the movie's director and starring cast, offering users insights into the creative team behind the film.
  • Movie Description: On the right side, the page provides a detailed description of the movie, offering users an overview of the storyline and its key elements.
  • Trailer Access: A dedicated "Trailer" section with an image link allows users to easily access and view the movie's official trailer.
  • Ticket Booking: The bold "Get Tickets" section in the center urges users to take immediate action and book their tickets, enhancing user engagement.


  • Comprehensive Information: The page plays a significant role in providing users with comprehensive information about the Black Widow movie, including its director, cast, description, and an engaging trailer.
  • Visual Appeal: The visually captivating background image featuring a promotional image of Black Widow adds to the overall appeal, immersing users in the movie's atmosphere.
  • User Engagement: The strategically placed "Get Tickets" section encourages users to take action and book their tickets, leading to increased user engagement and conversions.


  • Information Hub: The "Individual Movie" page acts as an information hub, offering users a complete overview of the Black Widow movie, from its director and cast to its description and trailer.
  • Visual Enhancement: The background image enhances the visual appeal of the page, creating an immersive experience for users interested in the movie.
  • Action Catalyst: The "Get Tickets" section serves as a catalyst for user action, prompting them to book tickets for the movie, ultimately driving ticket sales.

Login/Sign Up


The purpose of the Login/Sign Up: Admin & Vendor Page in the CoastCon 2021 Virtual Event project is to facilitate a smooth and efficient registration process for administrators and vendors. It offers a user-friendly interface that guides users through the necessary steps to participate in the event.


  • Navigation: The top section of the page features a distinct navigation bar with essential event details, including a countdown to the event start and quick access icons. The countdown provides a visual reminder of the event's timing, helping users prepare. Social media icons and a "Support" button enhance connectivity and support options.
  • User-Friendly Registration: The page simplifies the registration process for administrators and vendors, ensuring a smooth and user-friendly experience. It guides users through the necessary steps with clarity and precision.
  • Visual Appeal: The gradient background, well-designed icons, and professional imagery enhance the visual appeal of the page, making it engaging and inviting for users to register.


  • User-Friendly: The page simplifies the registration process for administrators and vendors, ensuring a smooth and user-friendly experience.
  • Information and Support: It provides essential event information and access to support, helping users navigate the registration process with confidence.
  • Visual Appeal: The gradient background and well-designed icons enhance the visual appeal of the page, making it engaging and inviting.


  • Registration Gateway: The page serves as the entry point for administrators and vendors to register for the CoastCon Virtual Event 2021, effectively guiding them through the process.
  • Information Hub: It conveys important event details and steps clearly, ensuring users are well-informed about the registration process.
  • Professionalism: The presence of a professional icon and a well-structured layout conveys a sense of trust and competence, encouraging users to proceed with registration.

Employee & Guest


The purpose of the "Employee" and "Guest" Page's layout is to provide a welcoming and efficient platform for employees to access and manage their account details and preferences during the CoastCon 2021 Virtual Event. It offers a visually appealing and user-friendly interface that facilitates account management tasks.

employee version


  • Vector Shape: The top section features a decorative vector shape with personalized welcome text, creating a sense of individualization and warmth for employees when they log in.
  • Navigation and Links: The left column provides access to various pages through a list of clickable items, allowing employees to navigate seamlessly to sections like "Profile & Settings," "Downloadable Assets," "Upload Files," "Your Team," and "Messages." The text color changes to #FAA31D to indicate the current page, enhancing user orientation.
  • Account Information: The right column displays essential account information, including the employee's company, full name, account type, email, password, job title, and employee number. The option to receive message notifications via email is also provided with a checkbox for user preferences.


  • Efficient Account Management: The layout streamlines account management tasks for employees, enabling them to access and update their information easily.
  • Personalization: The welcome message and visually appealing vector shape create a personalized and inviting atmosphere for users.
  • User-Friendly Navigation: The left column's clickable links and highlighted text ensure straightforward navigation, enhancing the user experience.


  • Account Management Hub: The layout serves as a central hub for employees to manage their account details and preferences, simplifying the process.
  • Personalization Element: The vector shape and welcome text contribute to a personalized user experience, making employees feel valued and engaged.
  • Efficiency Enhancer: By providing a clear and organized layout, the design enhances the efficiency of account-related tasks for employees during the virtual event.

Virtual showcase


The purpose of the "Virtual Show Floor: Homepage" layout is to create an immersive and user-friendly experience for event attendees exploring the virtual show floor during the CoastCon 2021 Virtual Event. It serves as the entry point to access vendor information and engage with exhibitors.


  • Search Bar: The left side of the page features a rounded rectangle serving as a search bar. The text "Find a Vendor…" is displayed in light grey within the search bar, with a grey search icon on the right side, facilitating user-friendly vendor search.
  • More Vendors: On the right side, there is a section labeled "More Vendors" with dark blue text. A dark blue circle with a white, thick arrow pointing to the right encourages users to explore additional vendors.
  • Conference Room Image: Section 2 presents an image of a conference room. Each door within the room displays company logos against a white background. These logos are clickable, allowing users to access detailed information about the respective company and engage in conversations with vendors via chatbox.


  • User-Friendly Exploration: The layout enhances the user experience by providing an intuitive search bar and clear calls to action, such as "More Vendors," to help attendees navigate the virtual show floor effortlessly.
  • Interactive Engagement: Clickable company logos within the conference room image promote attendee interaction with vendors, fostering engagement and facilitating information gathering.


  • Exploration Hub: The "Virtual Show Floor: Homepage" serves as the central hub for attendees to explore the virtual show floor, find vendors, and access detailed vendor information.
  • Facilitator of Engagement: By featuring clickable logos and encouraging users to find more vendors, the layout plays a crucial role in promoting engagement between event attendees and exhibitors.
  • User-Friendly Gateway: The design offers a user-friendly entry point to the virtual show floor, ensuring that attendees can easily discover and interact with vendors during the event.


The "Events" page design, created for the CoastCon 2021 Virtual Event, exemplifies my skills as a UI/UX Designer, blending professionalism with a touch of personal flair. It is tailored for the Media and Entertainment Industry, making it a strong match for a company like Activision Blizzard.


  • User-Centric Sessions: The "Sessions" section, with its crisp white typography, caters to user-centric navigation. It invites attendees to explore event content effortlessly, aligning with my commitment to user-friendly design.
  • Effortless Date Filtering: The date filters, including "All Day" and specific dates, offer a streamlined experience, emphasizing my attention to detail and dedication to user convenience.
  • Intuitive Tabs: The tabs, featuring a subtle color shift to #FAA31D for the active tab, reflect my approach to crafting intuitive interfaces, which is essential in the Media and Entertainment sector.


  • Enhanced User Experience: This layout combines aesthetics with functionality, enhancing the overall user experience—a quality highly valued in the Media and Entertainment Industry.
  • User Engagement: The "Reserve" and "More Info" buttons, alongside the star indicator, encourage user engagement, vital in a sector that thrives on interaction.


  • Creative Designer: As a creative UI/UX Designer, I blend professionalism with personality, creating visually appealing yet functional interfaces.
  • Strategic Thinker: The "Events" page serves as a strategic tool, helping users plan their event experiences, reflecting my understanding of user behavior in the Media and Entertainment domain.
  • Engagement Specialist: Through interactivity, I aim to engage users effectively, aligning with the expectations of modern media and entertainment platforms.

Personal TakeAways

My involvement in the CoastCon 2021 Virtual Event project as a UI/UX Designer was a deeply insightful experience that left me with several significant takeaways. Firstly, the project underscored the paramount importance of user-centric design, emphasizing that understanding and catering to user needs is the cornerstone of successful design. It also taught me the delicate art of balancing aesthetics with functionality, where crafting visually appealing designs must coexist harmoniously with seamless usability.

Effective communication played a pivotal role in collaboration, be it with team members, developers, or stakeholders, demonstrating that clear dialogue fosters successful projects. Attention to detail, adaptability, and creative problem-solving were essential in overcoming challenges. The project's alignment with my passions, such as media and entertainment, reminded me that passion fuels creativity.

Additionally, it reinforced the necessity of staying updated in the ever-evolving UI/UX design landscape and the power of feedback in refining design choices. Ultimately, the CoastCon project highlighted the profound impact that thoughtful design can have on user experiences, a lesson I will carry forward in my career in the Media and Entertainment Industry.

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